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To stay fully up-to-date with the latest posts on YLovePhoto, there was already the RSS threads and the electronic mail. But some of you wanted to get even more flexibility. Who am I to deny you this right?

Today, you have the possibility to receive tweets for each update of the web site. The twitter page is:


I am quite sure that it will attract people who fell in love with this modern and quick way to be kept informed. Maybe some of those who do not know it yet will feel the need to check and discover Twitter, this web site and mean to post short messages (no more than 140 characters, a little like or mobile phone SMS messages) and to subscribe to the messages/tweets from other people.

YLovePhoto merely publishes short messages showing the title of each posted article followed by a hot link to reach it directly.

For example:

Sample tweet from YLovePhoto
Sample tweet from YLovePhoto

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