Tag: YLovePhoto

  • Security on YLovePhoto

    Security on YLovePhoto

    Minor technical information for those of you who are sensitive to their online safety. One of the recommended steps to a better privacy and safety is using web site under the SSL protocol (accessing them with https:// instead of http://). Now, YLovePhoto helps you and can be transparently accessed through both addresses: https://www.YLovePhoto.com/ http://www.YLovePhoto.com/   For…

  • A flipboard for YLovePhoto

    A flipboard for YLovePhoto

    A few changes for YLovePhoto in 2016. Starting with the decision of adding a special complement to the web site for those who know and love FlipBoard, a powerful way to flip pages on Internet-based magazines. It’s even easier if you chose to use your smart phone: your magazine pages are flipped from the tip…

  • Too many comments…

    I have to apologize to all of you who track the comments on the YLovePhoto web site. We have been hit by a spammer who deluged us with comment spam. I appreciated the dozens of laudative comments (about my writing style, the quality of my posts, the depth of my insight and other overly nice…

  • A few days off

    Don’t worry too much if the posts are rare in the coming days. I’ll be off to Botswana for a photo trip.

  • Top 10 posts on YLovePhoto

  • August holidays

    The publication rate will slow down a little in the middle of August (while I take some holidays). Some posts are ready for you, but the news should be nearly absent until the third week of August. Then, we’ll probably see more about the Nikon D4, the Nikon D800, the Sony Alpha 77. And maybe…

  • iPhone/Android: YLovePhoto custom sized

    iPhone/Android: YLovePhoto custom sized

    For all of us who are using only a small screen to look at YLovePhoto, I just launched a new ultra-light template. If you see it appear but you prefer to keep the usual wide-size template, you just have to drop to the bottom of the page and change the “Mobile Theme” option .

  • Google +1 for YLovePhoto

    Just in passing, I’ll mention that you can now favor YLovePhoto by pressing on the new Google +1 icon wherever it appears on the web site. It will help promote YLovePhoto for a higher ranking in the Google search engine. And you will also notice that the little logo appears along with a list of…

  • Clouds: How to do them?

    For those who asked how I did the word clouds I presented on YLovePhoto yesterday and today, the trick is simply to go to the www.wordle.net web site and provide the text of a press release, then choose the right parameters for the best show of words. Good luck. Nikon D5100 Canon EOS 600D &…