Category: Fuji

  • Fuji X-Pro 1: Weird photo techno gadget

    I almost let one of the recent announcements go without a second look. At first, it felt like one of those compact point-and-shoot cameras which do not really have the power to attract pro and enthusiast photographers who are the main readership here. As a matter of fact, the Fuji X-Pro 1 is rather astonishing…

  • Fuji restarts production of X100

    Latest news: Fuji confirmed the production of the X100 is now running again. Their intent is to limit the supply delay to only a few weeks.

  • Amazing eBay prices on Fuji Finepix X100

    Amazing eBay prices on Fuji Finepix X100

    We already know that Fuji has announced some delays on the shipment of its all new Finepix X100, but the buyers are not always perfectly logical. It’s enough to check the prices reached on eBay: This is people ready to place an auction at more than $1600 (some have reached more than $2000) for a…

  • Japan photo industry short news

    A few tidbits I could collect: photo credit: camerawiki Fujifilm confirmed that the Japan earthquake and tsunami will have an impact on the actual availability of the new X-100 camera. Damages to its Taiwa-Cho factory, 20 km from Sendai, will lead to a delay in introduction of the Fuji FinePix X100. No date is given,…

  • Fuji FinePix X100

  • PMA 2010

    The PMA in Las Vegas is now arriving fast. After a long time of little rumors, here comes the moment for big rumors, but not the actual revelations yet. Nikon has been telling the world that they intended to have a great year 2010. It seems that they will bring a new DSLR (it could…

  • No Fuji in 2009

    To complement my recent (and wrong) post about Nikon and Fuji, I wanted to search for more information. This is not very positive for Fuji lovers… According to PDN Pulse in an interview of Diane Rainey, Group Manager for Fujifilm’s Corporate Communications, “Fuji is not manufacturing a pro camera for this year […] However, we…

  • Fuji+Nikon, still going on?

    Important update: It has been brought to my attention that Fujitsu is not the mother company of Fuji photo cameras (it would rather be Fujifilm). So, this announcement probably has no influence on the future of Fuji SLR cameras which will stay very dark. After quite some time waiting for announcements from Fuji, we were…