Category: Canon EOS 5D

  • Slow motion duel at Canon

    Let’s not leave Nikon alone demonstrating the performance of its shutters… Today, here is a face-to-face confrontation of the Canon EOS 5D and the Canon EOS 450D (or Kiss X2 for Japanese buyers). YouTube link

  • Canon EOS 5D: Shutter in slow motion

    Did you already see an SLR camera operating in slow motion? The video here will show you the steps -normally invisible to the naked eye- that are splitting the shutter operation in individual stages: mirror going up, shutter uncovering the sensor, nearly immediately, shutter covering it again (the image is now “in the box”), mirror…

  • Canon EOS 5D looses its mirror

    This is assuredly an unusual service advisory notice that was just dropped by Canon USA: Some Canon EOS 5D may simply loose their mirror if its glue stops sticking enough. This can happen during operation. I wouldn’t like to hear the sound and see the consequences… Ok! The repair will be free of charge (at…

  • Sony Alpha 900 vs. Nikon D3

    Comparing two SLR cameras with very very different prices is realy a tough task. So tough that it is often useless. In the Online Photographer, Michael Johnston still tries this daunting task of comparing the Sony Alpha 900 and the Nikon D3. These are two cameras that are mostly linked by the fact that they…

  • Noise comparison

    Digital noise, this eternal ennemy of the photographer, is going to find a real opponent at its level: The 35mm Full Frame sensors of the new FF dSLR that just arrived on the market (or were there for a relatively longer time): Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III Canon EOS 5D Canon EOS 5D MkII Nikon…

  • Canon teaser moving on

    The Canon teaser known as the “moon teaser” is progressing slowly toward complete disclosure of what will be the next evolution in dSLR : Destined evolution. But still no clue as to exactly what camera will be disclosed. The follower of the Canon EOS 5D? Some other camera?

  • Canon: 1 dSLR is not enough

    Now, this is DigitalRev telling us that Canon will not only rush one follower to the Canon EOS 5D, Full Frame digital SLR camera under considerable competitive pressure, but 3 cameras (EOS 3D, 7D and 9D), a full range of 12, 16 and 16 mega-pixels. There is no reason to believe them and to handle…