Category: Use

  • Is this the best camera manual?

    Is this the best camera manual?

    We always complain about the quality of user manuals of our cameras. We sometimes complain about the environmental impact of their useless paper. Here is a delightfully intelligent solution to it: Make the packaging double as a user manual (or re-use the materials of the manual into a clever packaging for the DSLR camera). Please…

  • Unpacking the Canon 200-400mm f/4 ext 1.4

    Unpacking the Canon 200-400mm f/4 ext 1.4

    The Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Lens with Internal 1.4x Extender is a major piece of glass from Canon. One sample just arrived at YLovePhoto, so it was a good opportunity to share with you the unpacking process. Of course, I must profusely thank Xtian for his considerable help.

  • Lessons from the Adobe Creative Cloud down incident

    Lessons from the Adobe Creative Cloud down incident

    If you are using Adobe Creative Cloud (the recent subscription-based cloud-based solution for Adobe tools including Photoshop), or if you know somebody using it, there are 99% chance that you heard that Adobe service broke down on 14-May and is just going back up as I write this. Note that Photoshop CC is only available…

  • Nikon D4 User Manual

    Nikon D4 User Manual

    Like many people, when you prepare to buy an expensive camera like the Nikon D4, you’d prefer to go (even quickly) through the User Manual. However, this has always been difficult without the assistance of a Nikon representative or… the help of YLovePhoto. Here are a few links to on-line copies of the Nikon D4…

  • 9/11 seen from space

    9/11 seen from space

    A few hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers, the Landsat 7 satellite photographed New York City keeping a different view of the dramatic scene.

  • The first Presidents of the United States of America

    The first Presidents of the United States of America

    George Washington lived much before the invention of photography and his face is only known through paintings. However, John Quincy Adams was photographed by Philip Haas, a few years after he left office. Andrew Jackson was next and his picture was taken several times including the following daguerreotype, of 1845, a few months before his…

  • Heavy-wheight lenses for 2013

    While 2012 was relatively calm in terms of new tele-lenses (with the significant exceptions of the Pentax 500mm and the progressive availability of the new great whites from Canon), 2013 appears ready to become a year of big tele-lenses at nearly all the manufacturers: Nikon launches an 800mm f/5.6 which is becoming the biggest product…

  • GIMP v2.8 – Also for Windows

    It was impatiently expected in the circles of defenders of free software. Here is the version 2.8 of GIMP, the free photo-retouching software who wanted to be a competition for the mighty Photoshop. Sometimes, people will remember that GIMP is a program allowing to do digital photography on Linux. And, often, many people think that…

  • D800: Latest bug: Lock-up

    PDN found a problem with the Nikon D4 and D800 while testing these. It seems that there are situations where the camera will lock up when the camera is used with either Highlights or histogram display. Simply disabling these features will avoid this ugly lock-up (even if it is easy to restore normal operation by…