Category: Nikon D4

  • Nikon D4 User Manual

    Nikon D4 User Manual

    Like many people, when you prepare to buy an expensive camera like the Nikon D4, you’d prefer to go (even quickly) through the User Manual. However, this has always been difficult without the assistance of a Nikon representative or… the help of YLovePhoto. Here are a few links to on-line copies of the Nikon D4…

  • D800: Latest bug: Lock-up

    PDN found a problem with the Nikon D4 and D800 while testing these. It seems that there are situations where the camera will lock up when the camera is used with either Highlights or histogram display. Simply disabling these features will avoid this ugly lock-up (even if it is easy to restore normal operation by…

  • Tough fight: 5D MkIII vs. D800

    Tough fight: 5D MkIII vs. D800

    We all know that we would like to see a clear comparison between two significant cameras when we see them. We want to compare them despite their different brands, or we want to compare to older and more expensive and less expensive models. We are not alone. Plenty of people on the web have the…

  • Nikon, the train will be late

    Canon is now less sure about the availability of the 1D-X, probably pushed forward to end of April 2012. But Nikon doesn’t want to loose this battle and it seems that all the newly announced cameras will be (more or less) late: Nikon D4: Not before mid-March 2012 Nikon D800: Not before March 22nd Nikon…

  • Nikon D4 – A little more

    We have already written quite significantly (too much?) about the next future pro digital photo camera from Nikon. But I found a few other items I am going to share with you, since you may like them. First, here are a few pictures of the magnesium alloy frame of the Nikon D4. Isn’t it beautiful?…

  • Nikon D4 – opinion

    The Nikon D4 is clearly a high-end photo camera hunting on Canon EOS 1Dx grounds. It starts with a very ambitious top sensitivity at ISO 204,800. The race for high-ISOs is pleasantly replacing the race for more pixels, and the Nikon D4 is quite happy with a comfortable 16 MP figure (but, really, who needs…

  • The Nikon D4 is now official

    Some people were waiting since the leaks started to multiply recently. It’s now here and curiosity is satisfied: The Nikon D4 is the new flagship D-SLR camera for the Nikon high-end and pro range. Let’s be clear, at 6000€/US$6000, the Nikon D4 is not a real concern for most photographers. But like all professional cameras,…

  • Summary-Analysis of Nikon rumors

    While Summer heat (in the Northern hemisphere) starts to have a heavy influence on our dreams of holidays and on our ability to think clearly, we are more and more to wonder what Nikon is preparing us: The launch of the Nikon D7000 is now far in the past in mid-2010, the entry-level range is…

  • Nikon D800, not right now

    According to the Spanish webzine QUESABESDE.COM, Nikon has clarified (at least internally) what to do with the upcoming replacement of the Nikon D700 (FX large sensor with a high sensitivity). Because of the impact of the Japanese earthquake on the Sendai plant normally used to work on the pro SLR cameras of Nikon, the future…