Category: Panasonic

  • Firm arrival date for the Panasonic GH1

    The Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1 camera (the Lumix G1 + video features) is a bit late in arriving on the shelves. Initially expected at the end of March 2009, Panasonic officially announced that it will be available from the 24th of April, with an initial production rate of only 5000 per month.

  • Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1

    Panasonic launches a new photo camera to follow in the tracks of the existing Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1. For the most part, the new Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1 is a G1 that would have been upgraded to Mark II status by a video capture feature. This was clearly a relatively easy addition to a good camera. And…

  • Camera manufacturers in crisis?

    According to Canon Rumours, there could be some concentration moves around the camera manufacturers. Up to this, it’s just in line with what I’ve been telling about some brands whose CEOs have heart burns from the intense current competition. But they also give us names and combinations to think about. Panasonic could buy the photo…

  • First touchscreen SLR camera?

    What do you think about this? There are already several point-and-shoot compact cameras using LCD touchscreens for all or part of the user interface. But, to this day, none of the major SLR camera manufacturers did try this on a them while it would be relatively easy to push this into a design budget for…

  • PMA 2009 preview

    Latest news from the PMA The PMA fair which will happen in Las Vegas between the 3rd and the 5th of March 2009 will bring us many news and a few surprises. All the signs are there, as confirmed by my informers. There is only a few weeks to be patient, but expect most important…

  • New camera tests

    As you already know, I list the tests and reviews of recent photo cameras in the database that I use to describe them (in the menu on the left). These last days, this is a deluge of new reviews that we received and listed for: Nikon D3x Canon EOS 5D MkII Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1

  • Web sites for lens reviews

    It is often difficult to group lens reviews in order to compare/evaluate a little more than their mere physical characteristics (focal length, aperture/diaphragm, or even number of individual lenses). But how would you evaluate/review optical quality? When I see the really impressive differences between two lenses, I would be prepared to judge from their price,…