Category: Samsung GX-30

  • Pentax K30D, still in preparation?

    The Pentax representatives and PR people keep telling us that the Pentax K20D is not replaced by the newest Pentax K-7. So, what? Do you replace the K20D or not? The answer could come from Samsung, forever-partner of Pentax for digital SLR photo cameras. The network of informers in direct contact with Samsung keeps repeating…

  • First touchscreen SLR camera?

    What do you think about this? There are already several point-and-shoot compact cameras using LCD touchscreens for all or part of the user interface. But, to this day, none of the major SLR camera manufacturers did try this on a them while it would be relatively easy to push this into a design budget for…

  • Pentax K30D, re-evaluation from Samsung

    About the Pentax K30D, I obviously missed and important news-bit which was published last October by WhatDigitalCamera. Thanks for helping me correct myself. This article that collects elements of an interview of Young-Bae Kim, Samsung’s Director of DSLR business, brings us informations all the more important that we remember that (and this is confirmed again)…